手枪3D模型低聚模型由搅拌机3.3.1纹理不包含! Render By Marmoset Toolbag 4 It is a level of work that can adapt to many game projects
3D柠檬模型是用搅拌器制作的. With low polygon, it is game ready in all your game projects or you can easily use it in your render projects. 它包含1k和4k纹理. Thanks...
Desc. 装备武器的科幻战斗飞船. 它有3引擎排气在后面, 甲板室,舷梯门和内门, 旋转侧发动机, 旋转增压排气发动机, A pair of...
象棋马低多边形3D模型. You can use it easily in your 3d projects, you can use it in your games. 你可以在你的渲染项目中使用它 . 你可以通过改变使它的质量更好
象棋棋子低多边形3D模型. You can use it easily in your 3d projects, you can use it in your games. 你可以在你的渲染项目中使用它 . 你可以通过改变使它的质量更好
Technical detailsCARTOON GIRL : verts 14,743 faces 23,682 tris 23,682Not have body inside. 这个切割模型没有被操纵! 因为我不是操纵这个模型的专业人士. 如果你愿意,你可以...
科幻枪- Encre 3D模型
_Desc._科幻激光咆哮突击枪. 它是操纵和适当的皮肤动画. 提供了一个混合文件, 高品质纹理, FBX文件(Unity和虚幻引擎)导出到游戏...
象棋王低多边形3D模型. You can use it easily in your 3d projects, you can use it in your games. 你可以在你的渲染项目中使用它 . 你可以通过改变使它的质量更好
西瓜三维模型, modelled on blender application High quality lowpoly model game ready and 1K , 2K和4K高清纹理只需购买和下载.
3个水果包3d模型, modelled on blender application High quality lowpoly model game ready and Hd textures include. 只需购买和下载.
鱼肉3d模型, modelled on blender application High quality lowpoly model game ready 1K , 2K和4K高清纹理包括. 只需购买和下载.
足球比赛的3D低多边形模型. Made in Blender, subdivision ready, with 4096 px textures for PBR workflow. 包括4K质量纹理
FN SCARL风格化枪低聚3D模型
FN SCARL Gun Low poly Game Ready Gun details/This high quality stylized low poly gun would be ideal in any themed game. Great for game genre like MMORPG, strategy, third person, topdown etc and...


It is difficult to imagine a modern game without three-dimensional technologies and animations. This is an opportunity to immerse the user in the flow of emotions of the scene, 创造生动的印象,让人忘记时间. 借助这样的设计, you can reproduce any fantasy you have on the screen and earn a lot of money from it. We will tell you about what games 3D graphics you need to achieve such a goal.


这些是使用3D建模创建的设计图像. They differ from 2D three-dimensional mapping, as specialists build them based on three axes. 这些物体的表面代表一组几何形状. 它们被称为多边形.

Usually, when you look at 2D images, you can see width and height, but 3D graphics also have depth. For example, if you draw a square using four lines, it is a 2D picture. 但你可以添加边缘和化妆. 在这种情况下,您将收到一个立方体. 这将是三维图形的一个元素.


有各种各样的程序可以为游戏创建3d图形. 我们将分析最常用和最流行的例子.


这个选项适合初学者和专业人士. 它有雕刻工具. You can design and customize the object as if you were working with clay. 在获得期望的结果之后, 该程序将帮助您选择必要的纹理, highlights, 和阴影,使最终产品看起来逼真.


This program is also suitable for anyone who wants to work with games 3d graphics. Here are all the necessary tools, which have an orderly configuration on the interface. 它是一个免费的开源产品. Therefore, 您可以灵活地添加模块来扩展功能, 以及使用许多教程.

Autodesk 3ds Max

这个选项只适合专业人士. Here you will get everything you need for three-dimensional technologies. 在此软件的帮助下, 专家创作电影, games, cartoons, 室内设计, clothes, etc. Texturing, rendering, tracing, 对象交互工具在这里实现在一个高层次上, 它能让你重现任何复杂的幻想.




This option consists of a coordinate system and manually entering points X, Y, and Z. 然后,你用边把它们连接起来. 这就是创建多边形的方法. 每一个都有自己的结构、质地和形状. 结果,你得到了一个庞大的数字. 使用的多边形越多,图像的细节就越多.


首先,对曲线建模,然后用它来构建模型. 这叫做样条曲线. Several lines create a frame, and after that, the picture has a three-dimensional surface. Specialists use the spline method for objects that do not have faces on the cover.


这个选项适合3D初学者. 你可以把完成的多边形模型像粘土一样弯曲. 这些变形的顺序形成了最终的结果.


Do you prefer to choose and customize the element according to your needs and idea without contacting a specialist? 这在Templateog体育首页中是可能的. We have prepared interesting and comprehensive video tutorials about trends in this field. 随时免费使用,没有限制. Follow this link.


What is the difference between high poly and low poly games' 3D graphics?

高多边形设计有大量的多边形, 因此它们的特点是图像的细节和信息量最大. Here you use textures with a resolution of 4096x4096px or 8192x8192px. 这对渲染和视频很好. 它们占用大量空间,并且需要强大的PC功能.

低多边形图像有少量的多边形. A more detailed format can be achieved with the help of texture maps. 纹理分辨率为2048x2048px或4096x4096px. 通常,开发者会在VR/AR项目中使用这样的模型.


您应该从3D建模过程开始. You create an object on the computer using polygons, splines, or sculpting. After that, you add textures, shadows, and colors to bring your image closer to reality. 之后,添加场景. 它可以是一个与树木、灌木或空间玩耍的景观. 这完全取决于你的想象力. 然后制作动画. 具有三维图形, it will not be difficult to achieve a high-quality result of movements.


You operate ZBrush, Unreal, Unity, SketchUp, Maya, Cinema 4D / C4D, Blender, and 3DS Max. Templateog体育首页的所有项目都是完全可编辑的.


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